UJ Survey--Tell Your Truth
The UNEQUAL JUSTICE Project seeks to collect and compile accounts of unqual justice in America.
To help us tell stories of mostly invisible unequal treatment and injustice, we ask YOU to complete the below survey and tell when, where, how, what happened to whom and why you believe it was unequal/unjust treatment. Before you hit the Submit button, please be sure to respond to all required (marked with asterisk/”*”) questions. Your submission will be saved as a draft until reviewed by the UJ Blog Editor and, if approved, it will be posted and become visible to everyone. Spam and mere opinions without personal accounts won’t be posted. Your name and email is requested to verify authenticity but your real name and email will not be posted unless you include it in the text of your “WHAT” happened narrative. Please be patient with any delay as we review and post your submissions to the UJ Survey Data page.
THANK YOU for your visit and taking the time to take the UJ Survey and to Tell Your Truth!