About Us


The UNEQUAL JUSTICE BLOG seeks to collect and compile accounts of unqual justice in America.

In the aftermath of the murders of Ahmaud Marquez Arbery and George Perry Floyd Jr. and the killing of Breonna Taylor, the UNEQUAL JUSTICE Project was originated through an intentionally intergenerational and cross-racial collaboration.  The Project seeks to collect and compile accounts of unequal justice in America, particularly incidents involving descendants of former enslaved people (and persons of color perceived as black) that have happened too often but have rarely been exposed.

To help us tell these untold stories of mostly invisible and unredressed injustice, we ask YOU to complete the UJ Survey and submit a short narrative account for potential posting on the UJ Survey Data page.  Also, submit an opinion Comment on one of the seven (7) Truth Blogs.  Before your submission can be posted, you must first verify your identity; but, your name and email address will not be posted with your narrative account, with your Comment nor sold.  If you choose to include your name in your narrative account, it will be visible once posted. Editors will delete all spam and will not approve UJ Survey responses that do not include a narrative account of some injustice to you, your close family or friends. Unless otherwise noted by the Blog Facilitator, ALL UJ Survey Posts and Comments on the Truth Blogs will be posted only as a matter of the writer’s opinion of what happened because such unequal justice is so difficult to prove.

In the next phase of the UNEQUAL JUSTICE Project, we will endeavor to collect, compile and index thousands (or perhaps millions) of these untold accounts so this Project can be a data-based driver of policy changes.

THANK YOU for your visit and taking the time to take the UJ Survey and Tell Your Truth!

Promoting Truth and Reconciliation