UJ Survey--Tell Your Truth


The UNEQUAL JUSTICE Project seeks to collect and compile accounts of unqual justice in America.

To help us tell stories of mostly invisible unequal treatment and injustice, we ask YOU to complete the below survey and tell when, where, how, what happened to whom and why you believe it was unequal/unjust treatment.  Before you hit the Submit button, please be sure to respond to all required (marked with asterisk/”*”) questions.  Your submission will be saved as a draft until reviewed by the UJ Blog Editor and, if approved, it will be posted and become visible to everyone.  Spam and mere opinions without personal accounts won’t be posted. Your name and email is requested to verify authenticity but your real name and email will not be posted unless you include it in the text of your “WHAT” happened narrative.  Please be patient with any delay as we review and post your submissions to the UJ Survey Data page.

THANK YOU for your visit and taking the time to take the UJ Survey and to Tell Your Truth!

Promoting Truth and Reconciliation

UJ Blog: Tell Your Truth Survey:
This will not become visible with your post.
This will not become visible with your post.
Provide an accurate email to verify that what you post is not spam and for notifications about your post. This will not become visible to readers nor will it subscribe you to the UJ Newsletter.
Now that you have been verified above with your real name, select a user ID to associate with your post. You may choose a pseudonym (fictitious) name or initials, your real name or initials.
(Month/Year) It's okay if you cannot recall exact day.
Permission to tell?: If you are posting about someone other than yourself, do you have that other person’s permission to share their story?
ANY DOCUMENTATION?: Do you have any documents that support what you believe happened?
Having documents is NOT required; Please report your family's oral history as accurately as you can.
Do you know WHO was responsible for the unequal/unjust treatment?
WHICH CATEGORY?: Which category best describes the type of unjust/unequal incident(s) you are posting about?
MOTIVATION?: Which of the following do you believe motivated the government, corporation, organization or individual(s) to do the unequal/unjust act(s) you are posting about? (Select ONE that was the primary motivation)
ANY PUNISHMENT? Was the individual(s), government, company, organization(s) that you believe was responsible for the unequal/unjust treatment punished in any way?
WHAT punishment was suffered by the person(s) or entity that you believe was responsible for this bad act?
INJURY SUFFERED?: WHAT harm or injury did you or your close family member or friend suffer as a result of the incident you are describing in your post? (Check all that apply)
Tell Your truth in your own words. Use whatever names, initials or pseudonyms you feel are necessary to protect privacy and avoid further harm. If it helps to tell your truth, include details that help readers get to know the person who was harmed as another human being such as whether they had a spouse or partner; children; educational degrees, licenses or certifications; hobbies; church or other organizational memberships; or a career/employment when the incident(s) occurred.
Any WITNESSES (living or deceased) to what happened?
To help us build a database that can be searched by dates, please use this calendar to enter your best estimate. If you know the month and year, but not the exact day, select the first day of the month instead of an exact day.
Your Race/Origin
Realizing that there is considerable debate about whether any of these racial classifications are valid, please select the one that you have most often selected when required.